Lica has a fascinating demo of how a document can be converted into a video story. #document-conversion
Mini-GPTs is an interesting approach to shrink LLMs and make them domain specific. It takes existing LLMs and removes neurons not used in a specific domain (e.g. law, medicine, etc.) #gpu#llm-ops
Quantum computing is slow, has low transfer bandwidths, and only prime factorization has an exponentially faster algorithm. via
The hidden brain podcast. What would Socrates do? Also Philosophy Bites Podcast: why do philosophers use example. And: the happiness lab: happiness lessons of the ancients
How many of our beliefs are truly our own? How many are a product of our environment? Contrast these and identify your true beliefs
For every thought and action you have, even tiny ones, ask "Why am I doing that?" Dig deeper because it may not be intrinsic
One way to become memorable is to.write stuff others will reproduce for a long time. Plato and Aristotle did that
everyone has multiple personality. This is partly because different parts of the brain evolved independently for different functions. System one and system two thinking are just such one broad classification. e.g. We think our train is moving when the nearby train moves because our visual brain is faster than our somatic brain.
Good lessons and pitches cater to the rational AND the subconscious. Reason AND story. To activate different parts of the brain. That's why philosophers use examples
Philosophy brings change through reason. Revelations: through sudden insight. Rhetoric: through insight.
Act as if you already are what you want to become. Aristotle
Align your environment (including habits) to your beliefs. It will become easier to act your beliefs then.
All virtues are moderation. It's possible to take every virtue to the wrong extreme
Some Christians have wristband that reads WWJD. What would Jesus do? Explore yourself a reminder of what would X do. Maybe Benjamin Franklin, Socrates, Feynman, etc
People mistake their environment for their feelings. 1970s Experiment: People on a shaky bridge think they love each other. Experiment: people rationalize things irrespective of reality.
"The Unexamined Life" is about questioning theories or stories or maps constantly. It's also about questioning our thoughts and emotions constantly. Mindfulness is the VERBAL way of doing this. Meditation is the NON-VERBAL way of paying attention. Both are Processes to remove distraction and increase authenticity.
Learning about people is a good way to learn about ourselves. And vice versa.
Spillnot doesn't spill drinks even when you swing!
Things super-intelligences could do that humans can't: #future