If an npm package adds another package as a dependency with version "*", target package cannot unpublish ANY version! So this is a way of freezing EVERY repo and preventing unpublishing of EVERY version -- an unintentional flaw in the npm design. via
Happiness Lab podcast. Happiness lessons of the ancients
Talking to strangers makes us happy
Giving money makes us happy
Free time makes us happier than working hard
Domain-specific models being beaten by general purpose models is a phase. It will reverse towards domain.
AI will potentially help build and understand domain-specific models
Models are evolving so rapidly that humans cannot interpret models. We need a process to interpret models!
xAI, Responsible AI, Physics-guided or Knowledge-guided models (called grey box models) are therefore a trend
CS papers
Don't review other papers, certainly not other fields.
Disregard measurement errors.
When CS papers get applied to climate, manufacturing or biology, we'll worry about
Domain-specific mechanics. (Introduce that into the training as a constraint.)
Many domain experts are using AI to UNDERSTAND their process. Need to explore
IB adds context to make learning applicable. But that distracts from the core learning, and if there's a gap it widens
Most data science courses teach "Python science", not data science. They teach a bunch of models. They don't teach how even one kind of model e.g. LSTM works.
Most coaching programs today teach FAMILIARITY with problems, not critical thinking
Most of current education will become redundant thanks to LLMs. For students AND teachers
Coding will become irrelevant
Cognitive thinking, reasoning, human relations, systems thinking will become more relevant
Troubleshooting will become more important. AI is not self-diagnosing. I would hire someone who can figure out something is going wrong, diagnose what's going wrong, and fix it
#TODO Hire for troubleshooting ability. Give a Q, an A, and ask them to figure out if it's wrong, why, and fix it
All my exams and quizzes are open book, open ChatGPT. Onus is on me to give a problem that forces you to think.
#TODO Write a question paper that is ChatGPT proof.
Exploring AI could be a ToK subject. "How to interact with an AI?"
We need a manual on how to use AI. Like Simon Willison says
Content doesn't suffice. You need pedegogy. What to serve you at what time, how, how to assess. Lots of businesses are filling this gap
Students get great confidence when a teacher points to online content and says, I"ll tell you WHAT to see" and COMPLEMENTS that in their class
"The map is not the territory." Most people confuse sample mean for the actual.
#ASK Parameter estimation -> Signal estimation -> State estimation
Stats vs DL differ in that
There is no notion of a defined "truth". Hence reliability is not measurable
Parameters have no value. Hence interpretability is ignored.
#TODO Read 2020 National Education Policy. It's quite modern.
We need a manual on self-learning too
Listening is not learning. You know only if you implement.
Levels for students:
I can solve it.
I can explain why it works.
I can find alternatives.
I can apply it to a new area, reformulating (requires imagination.)
For teachers, you also need:
Responsible learning (extra careful about what to teach and how to teach, to exceite them, to teach at THEIR level).
Show the universality and connecting to other concepts. E.g. noise reduction with FT is like using water to remove dirt. Transform to water domain, remove dirt, transform back to air domain. It's better than dusting clothes to remove clothes. Washing machine programs are just different models of removing noise in the water domain.
Teach people who WANT to learn AND who will APPLY it long-term. That's what maximizes impact
Grad students are more satisfying that way.
Else, it is WASTED effort. (Not that it's a bad thing for the student, but the effort IS wasted for the teacher)
Therefore, I believe students should have general engineering first, and let students pick specialization later. Some universitie are doing that.
#THINK Students remember my philosophy more than my content. We impart character, not just knowledge.
Astrology and horoscopes serve a different function. They provide explainability, not predictive ability. As the world becomes less explainable, the need for astrology will grow.
Explainability is about creating STORIES that fits data plausibly. It has nothing to do with data or truth.
Explainability and predictive ability and reproducibility are all different. Maybe, Science is about the latter two, less about explainability.
Astrology is a model. The map is not the territory. It's an explanatory, not a predictive model.
#THINK Therefore, my lessons are just explanations. Stats about experiments are STILL explanations. They are NOT reproducible or predictive. Hence not yet science
The meaning of our life is the transformation we undergo in our lives
#TODO Read "The Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton. A hypnotherapist
#TODO Try regression therapy / hypnosis. Record it and listen to it. Just for fun!
Rohini Deshpande
Slam book was the Facebook of the 1900s
Prepared mind is an extremely powerful tool for learning. Practice prepared mind
When women drop out of education or career, that is also a waste from the teacher and system perspective
The time for career growth is the same as child bearing time for women. That's not true for men. But child rearing can be done by either. That's not recognised. It's 0K for a man to raise the child and make the home and 0K to treat that as the default
Since men are more senior, it's usually logical for them to stay in their jobs. That's a systematic bias. When seniors advise women to step back. they respect it. That widens the barrier. Why not eliminate that situation?
Be proud of the working women in the family
Stats are just a symptom. They don't explain the cause. (Map is not the territory.) Explanations are what really helps us fix the cause. Hence stories are important.