What I'd like in my obituary: Anand was happiness. A guru. Generous.
To get what we seek we must deserve this. Build, measure, learn
If you did the same thing daily for 50 years, would it be a great thing? If yes, do it. If not, stop. Do this in daily retrospectives
My new role should be productivity through technology innovation. That may mean a CTO role. But be specific otherwise no one will understand it
Hidden brain podcast. Us 2.0. Win hearts, then minds
When in an interaction, ask yourself. Can I learn and change myself? Can I win their hearts, then mines, so their behavior will change. That identity will change
Notice when you get emotionally triggered. That's exactly when you should not get emotionally triggered
Try model humility and moral
Look for close to people's identities in our conversations. What are things they like? What does it mean for them? Simply ask. With that understanding of identity, it becomes easier to reframe things in a way they will understand
#PREDICTION As automation takes over these mainstream activities, people will take over the niches. Since expertise like knowledge is fractal, there will be many more segments of one in the future and it will be easier to automate clusters of similar abilities. Recommenders and brands will become even more important #automation#future