Sun, Jul 14, 2024
Weekly Notes and Discoveries
S Anand
A quick check on the pricing of text to speech models
OpenAI TTS: $15/1M chars
Deepgram Aura: $15/1M chars
Elevenlabs Scale: $165/1M chars
Google TTS Neural2: $16/1M chars
Azure AI Speech: $15/1M chars
AWS Polly Neural TTS: $16/1M chars
Carlton's TDS session
Always create a new venv via VS Code when starting a training session. Helps reproduce issues (though I could use Colab instead)
Create an empty .ipynb notebook and double-click it. That's another way (though slower) to open a Jupyter notebook
Share Parrish Knowledge Project podcast. Three generations of wealth
There is a big difference between liking animals and being a vet. Between liking education and being a teacher.
Even if no one reads your writing, you benefit from the writing.
Emotional.crises like 9/11 or Covid are far easier for markets to recover from
Hidden brain podcast. White trying to hard can back fire on you
Sometimes conscious thinking makes our automated responses of sports music, dance are great examples
Instead, SURRENDER to something outside of you. Like playing with kids. Exercise also sends blood away from brain. Drugs. ChatGPT.
It's called Ue in Chinese philosophy
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